Prikazujem sadržaj po oznakama: Xperia

Četvrtak, 18 rujna 2014 10:48

LG G3 vs. Sony Xperia Z3 - AnTuTu benchmark

Let's feel their muscles! Sony Xperia Z3 and LG G3 are among the best and the most powerful Android superphones. Sony has a bit better specs, and LG comes with higher screen resolution. With that in mind, we couldn’t help ourselves and threw them into the ring testing them with Antutu Benchmark test.

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Petak, 27 veljače 2015 09:43

Meizu MX4 vs. Sony Xperia Z3 - AnTuTu Benchmark

AnTuTu Benchmark comparison. 
Meizu MX4 vs. Sony Xperia Z3

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#AnTuTu Benchmark test:
HTC One M8 vs. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge vs. Samsung Galaxy S6 vs. Sony Xperia Z3 vs. Samsung Galaxy S5 (ordered from the left to the right on the video) (First Official AnTuTu Benchmark test)

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Utorak, 03 ožujka 2015 15:32

Sony Xperia Z4 tablet

Sony flagship Android tablet Xperia Z4 - first look 
#MWC Barcelona - Vidilab test

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Utorak, 27 svibnja 2014 10:59

Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet

Izvan okvira

Tanji, lakši, čvršći i otporniji - druga po redu generacija najposebnijeg tableta na tržištu

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