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Srijeda, 18 lipnja 2014 11:10

LG G3 - 3DMark Benchmark

Check out the Ice Storm Unlimited score on LG G3 smartphone.
The screen resolution on G3 is 2560x1440 pixels but the benchmark was running in Full HD resolution.

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Četvrtak, 03 srpnja 2014 11:07


LG G3 dolazi s velikim 5,5-inčnim IPS ekranom rezolucije od čak 2560x1440 piksela, stražnjom kamerom s 13 megapiksela (uz optičku stabilizaciju i laserski auto fokus) te prednjom 2,1-megapikselom kamerom koja omogućuje selfie fotografije putem gesta.

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Četvrtak, 18 rujna 2014 10:48

LG G3 vs. Sony Xperia Z3 - AnTuTu benchmark

Let's feel their muscles! Sony Xperia Z3 and LG G3 are among the best and the most powerful Android superphones. Sony has a bit better specs, and LG comes with higher screen resolution. With that in mind, we couldn’t help ourselves and threw them into the ring testing them with Antutu Benchmark test.

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Ponedjeljak, 29 rujna 2014 10:50

iPhone 6 Plus vs. LG G3 - slow motion test

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